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vCIO: Why Your Business Needs One

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A virtual Chief Information Officer, or vCIO, is an executive level technology professional that companies, who may not have the need or the resources to employ full time, can utilize to strengthen and expand their IT strategy. They bring their personal experiences, vision, and a network of knowledgeable technical resources to work with you to determine the best IT solutions for your business. A vCIO takes a seat at your management table, partnering with your current leadership. They are focused on understanding your business and how technology can promote your strategic initiatives and goals in order to help lead your business to success.

Here are a few ways vCIOs can assist in your company's success:

1. Creating a Clear IT Vision

Many small and medium sized businesses lack a dedicated IT lead that can not only solve current technology challenges, but also create a road map for how technology can be leveraged to help the company become more successful. A vCIO will bring this expertise in house. They will ensure that your company's technology strategy is in alignment with your overall business strategy.

2. Risk Mitigation and Regulatory Compliance

In today's world, companies shoulder more responsibility from a technology standpoint when it come to regulatory compliance initiatives such as HIPAA, SOX, and GLBA to name a few. Companies that do not adhere to the regulations that apply to them are open to law suits and fines from their respective governing bodies. Your vCIO will be able to stay on top of changing laws and regulations to ensure that your company is compliant thus limiting the risk of these adverse actions.

3. Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery

What do you do if your business is subjected to a fire or natural disaster? What if you have a security breach? Your vCIO will be able to identify primary and secondary business functions and put together a plan to overcome these and similar unplanned challenges that threaten business being able to operate. They will also show you how technology can be leveraged to guard against and minimize the impact, thus limiting potential loss of revenue for your business.

4. Vendor Management

You company more than likely already has several IT vendors that it currently works with as well as other IT related services such as internet and phone. Your vCIO will not only be able to manage these relationships but also be able to ensure they are preforming as they should and charging what they should. They will be able to identify and vet potential IT vendors and weigh in on decisions around the need outsourcing.

Using a vCIO can be an extremely beneficial investment that can lead to cost-savings and a competitive advantage for your business. Contact us today to learn how leveraging a dedicated vCIO can help you win with IT.


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